Friday, January 1, 2010

So in addition to this blog, I've decided to take up a project for 2010, a photo-a-day resolution of sorts. We'll see about the photo a day, but I've seen other people's photo-a-day projects and liked the idea that at the end of the year, one could easily review each day to look back on the year. Mine won't be arty pictures, and I doubt anyone outside of my little circle in the world would be remotely interested, but I'm doing it more for myself.


CitizenBen said...

I love this idea, and I might steal it. It's flippin' BRILLIANT!
Who cares if anyone else "gets" it?
You should do this coupled with pictures of your works in progress, and your blogs, and just entitle it "A Year In The Life Of An Artist".
I'd pay for that.

Heidi said...

Hey Ben, yes, you should do a photo blog too. I'm just shooting for everyday stuff. I like how you can make little note tags on parts of a picture to add a little back-story. I'm really hoping to stick with a picture a day routine and keep it low-key so next year I can sit and run through them all and remember how awesome this year was!