Friday, September 12, 2008

I made it onto someone's treasury!

A treasury is a thing on etsy. Members can make a list of their favorite items and post their lists on the treasury. People then browse through the treasuries to see the items. Here is the treasury I made it onto! I thought it was pretty cool anyways. So that baby spider hat is getting some good traffic to my store. I finished the baby ghost hat and listed it this morning. I hope the pictures for the item turned out cute.

In other big news, I got an email from Blizzard inviting me for beta testing for the World of Warcraft's Wrath of the Lich King Expansion!!! Oh my gosh though, the download is taking forever! The main file I downloaded last night while I was sleeping but now there's a patch as well and it's been going for 1 1/2 hours and is at only 52%! So once the baby is awake, we're going to head to the store and wait for it to finish.

This afternoon a dude my mother found is coming over to do the lawn because of our lawn mower problems. It'll be awesome!

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